Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moving Forward in a New Semester

Life is great. And busy. My three-and-a-half-month-old daughter Adelaide has discovered her hands and Aubrey and I have discovered mobiles. I always thought that mobiles were a myth.  Nothing that simple could possibly entertain a child, but lo and behold, it works.  Aubrey is hard at work designing a creative mobile for Little Adelaide this week.

The new semester just started here at BYU-Idaho only one week after the last one finished.  The break was brief but sufficient, and the new semester has both Aubrey and me back in the saddle. She is amazing. My dear Aubrey has landed a job as adjunct faculty teaching English for the university in addition to all the full-time effort required to feed, love, and entertain our baby. Babe, you rule. As for me, I am still working hard on my undergraduate degree in English with a full load of 15 credits. This semester I am studying medieval literature and will be memorizing passages in Anglo-Saxon and Middle-English for class. I am so excited!
In addition to my regular classes I am busy trying to get the Philosophy Society  up and running and managing/instructing the Taekwondo Club. As I said. Life is great, we are busy, and good things are happening.

Looking back on the post I wrote for the start of last semester, the changes are starkly apparent. I have been growing personally as a result of my marriage, education, and numerous prayers for strength and guidance. Going to school is not the burden it once was, and I know that life is going to continue getting even better.

Joseph Bjork