Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gratitude and Service

I feel really good today, and I’m grateful for it.  Life is incredible, even with homework.  I am grateful for my daughter (Adelaide) and my beautiful wife (Aubrey).  I am grateful to have Sundays off so that I can spend time with my family. I am grateful for shelter, central heating, and a well-stocked fridge. I am grateful to attend University. I am grateful to be alive.

I have so much to be thankful for, and I can’t say that I deserve any of it. I am blessed to live in very good circumstances. All good things come from Christ, including sunlight, rain, and the contents of my refrigerator.  He blesses the whole of humanity daily with life, the air that fills our lungs, the food we eat, the people we love, and the very earth beneath our feet.  Wow. I can never pay Him back, but I can pay my portion forward.  This is why I want to be a teacher someday. This is why Aubrey and I contribute a fast offering every month to bless those in need.

I will look for ways to give of my time and resources this week.  I invite anyone who reads this to do the same.